Take a look at these Briggs Nursery Exclusives, Introductions, and Favorites
Briggs Nursery is a wholesale grower and plant propagator located in Western Washington. Our nursery has expanded over the past 100 years to now span over 140 acres of nursery production. We start our plants on-site in our state-of-the-art tissue culture lab, and grow them in both heated and unheated houses as well as open lots.
Briggs has been expanding and developing a protocol for tissue culture since 1965 and is recognized as an international leader in micro-propagation, Briggs Nursery is recognized for its ability to propagate and grow a wide variety of both specialty and standard starter plants.
Our company partners with hybridizers, nurseries, and commercial agricultural ventures to propagate, introduce and market cultivars worldwide.
Briggs’ supplies liners and plugs internationally to growers as well as container plants to garden centers and landscapers. We are committed to offering a wide selection of clean high-quality plants. Our corporate philosophy, Quality that Grows™, is derived from our directive to “start clean, stay clean”, and our requirement that all key items used in the production process – from initiation in the lab to growing range – be free of any pathogens or media that may host potential issues.
Check out our featured product groups available in sizes ranging from small cells to containers:
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Cultivate 2025
Come visit us at Cultivate 2025 in Columbus, Ohio!
We will be at booth 3512 – see you there!
West Coast Arctostaphylos
Arctostaphylos densiflora, uva-ursi, and hybrids are native to coastal California and Oregon.
Briggs Nursery Arctostaphylos from tissue culture ensure clean plants with uniform growth habit.
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